I wanted to do a blog post today in recognition of a recent gripper donation to
my Grip Museum.
The donation came from Steve Pekarskiy at gripempire.com You can also visit his e-bay store that's also listed on his website. Steve has some very high quality grip training tools from
RB hand grippers to various block weights and MORE...
The donation arose out of a purchase I made for a red, RB 160 pictured below. When purchasing this gripper
I noticed he also had a black RB with skull & cross bones that is very collectible in hand grippers. I asked
Steve if he'd consider donating the gripper to my museum to represent yet another gripper in my collection
to preserve hand gripper history from the past, present, and future. He agreed and this beautiful gripper is
pictured below along with the red, RB 160 I purchased from his e-bay store.
Please visit Steve at gripempire.com and check out his Grip Tools!
A HUGE Thank You to Steve for his donation to my Grip Museum and for helping preserve hand gripper history through my collection!!!