Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sunday, 11-23-08 Arms

Dumball Curls - 3 sets x 10

Flat Handle Rowing - 3 sets x 10

T-Bomb Handle Curls - 2 sets x 10
(new exercise I came up with)

Pulling with Life Line Cables:

Hook - 6 sets

Hook wrist pulls - 6 sets

Top Roll - 6 sets

Hook holds - 3 sets

Back Pressure holds - 3 sets

Standing Fat Bar Wrist Curls - 5 sets x 20

Reverse Wrist Curls - 5 sets x 20

Finger Extensions - 2 sets x 50

Note: I cut out some of my weight lifting sets and did more
pulling so my tendons would stay stronger longer.

Stay tuned and stay Strong!!!