I FINALLY found a hand creme that absolutely works virtually
over night.
O'Keeffe's is specifically designed for individuals that work
their hands really hard. It is chemically different than any other
hand-care product. The concentrated formula stimulates the skin's
natural repair process by hydrating skin, adjusting pH balance and
retaining moisture.
Easy to use. You apply it to your hands right before bedtime.
It causes your skin temperature to rise during sleep, resulting in
increased circulation and healing.
I've been currently doing a hand gripper program called Radical Reps Baseline Training (RRBT) from Bill Piche of the Grip Board and this program is very taxing on the hands due to the high volume of training. The first night I used O'Keeffe's I
knew the next day that this stuff works. My hands felt new again. Totally refreshed!
If you're hard on your hands because of your training or maybe your job, I don't think you can go wrong with this product. I found it at Lowes Hardware. I've not
seen it anywhere else.
Try it you'll LOVE it!!!
Stay tuned and stay STRONG!!!