set 1- 5 reps, 86.8 lbs.
set 2- 5 reps, 106.6 lbs.
set 3- 6 reps, 136.0 lbs.
set 4- 3 reps, 155.8 lbs.
Sledge Hammer #20:
4 sets-20 reps
Partial Deadlifts w/ Steel Suitcases:
set 1- 4 reps, 173 lbs. each hand
set 2- 3 reps, 173 lbs. each hand
RP Trainer:
10 singles, R&P fingers
10 singles, I&M fingers
MS Gripper:
10 singles each hand
Thumb Roller:
8 sets, 4 sets each way- 1-1/4 lbs + peg
Contrast Baths:
5 hot & 5 cold, ended with cold
Notes: This workout was intense with the Zerchers
and sledge hammer. I'm 50 lbs. away from my goal
on Zerchers.
Grip felt good with the Steel Suitcases. I have the cases
setting on cinder blocks and I lift from that height. They're
easier to lift now.
Overall? Great , Strong workout.
Stay tuned and stay Strong!!!