Sunday, May 11, 2008

Bending PR's - Workout 5-11-08

left to right, G5, IM Blue, 5/16"G2, 5" 60D, 5" IM Blue


Warm-up with IM Trainer

MS Gripper-8 heavy singles

RP Trainer-8 heavy singles, R&P

RP Trainer-8 heavy singles, I&M

BB-Master, 3 singles, R&L hand

IM #2- 3 singles, R&L hand

RB 260N attempt R&L hand failed but forced shut.


*PR*- G5 bolt, 6" x 1/4"

I got it bent to 90 degrees real quick. It took
about 90 seconds for the crush down. I killed
it today!!!

IM Blue-easy

60D shiny cut down to 5". Got to 90 degrees quick, but
ran out of steam. Couldn't finish it. I think fresh, no problem.

IM Blue cut down to 5". Got to 90 degrees really quick. Couldn't
finish. Fresh, I could kill it. I need to work on my crush down.

5/16" x 6" G2 attempt. Wobbled it to about 3 degrees. Fresh, I
might get it. This will be my first attempt next bending session.

Standing Fat Bar Presses:

3 sets, 10 reps, max weight 90 lbs.

Standing Fat Bar Curls:

3 sets, 8-10 reps, 70 lbs.

Thumb Roller: (New device I made from PVC)

3 sets forwards, 2.5 lbs. + peg

3 sets backwards, 2.5 lbs. + peg

This device works the thumbs like nothing I've ever
used before.

Contrast Baths:

5 cold & 5 hot, ended with cold

I felt really strong on my bending. My right elbow/forearm
tweek is getting better. I'm slowly getting back to heavy gripper
training again.

Stay tuned and stay Strong!!!