Everyone has them and I had one today even after a 3 day rest.
Everything I did I was weak at.
Warm-up- HRS, 7" x 1/4" w/ IM wraps
Attempt G2 Bolt, 6" x 5/16"- 3 degrees
IM Blue, w/ IM wraps, felt harder than normal
60D Dull w/ IM wraps-failed. Wrapped a layer
of suede on wraps and got it pretty easy.
Stopped the bending at this point because of
Warm-up- Trainer, 10 reps, R&L hand
Super Master w/ parallel set-failed R&L but
forced it shut each time.
IM #2- 3 sets, singles, R&L
Master- 3 sets, singles, R&L
IM #1- 15 reps, R-hand
12 reps, L-hand
RP Trainer:
3 sets, singles, R&L
MS Gripper:
3 sets, singles, R&L
Narrow Pinch 1/2"
1 set, 10 reps
Rolling Thunder:
5 sets, singles, R-hand, 115 lbs.
L-hand, 100 lbs.
Thumb Roller:
3 sets each way, great pump on thumbs.
Leverage Club #12:
10 reps each hand
Contrast Baths:
4 hot and 4 cold, last one cold.
Note: Overall a really bad workout. Seemd like everything
caused minor aches and pains. Felt weak at bending for sure.
Grippers felt okay, but I've done better.
Next few workouts I'm decreasing poundages and difficulties
on all feats. Higher reps seem to help the body heal.
Stay tuned and stay Strong!!!