Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Workout - Wednesday

Fat Bar Curls - 3 sets x 10, 8, 7

Fat Bar Seated Wrist Curls - 3 sets x 15

2" Crusher - 4 singles
Note: 116 lbs. RH & LH = *PR*

2" Pinch Block - 6 singles
Note: 53 lbs. RH & LH

2" Cheat Pinch - 68 lbs. x 4 singles RH & LH

Grip Machine - 1 set x 10, 150 lbs.

Finger Extensions in rice - 2 sets x 50

Iced Hands until numb.

Stay tuned and stay Strong!!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Workout - Sunday

Barbell Curls - 3 sets x 10

Military Presses - 3 sets x 12

Thumb work w/Super Grip Machine - 3 sets x 10

Thumb work w/Titans Telegraph - 3 sets x 10

No-Set Super Advanced Gripper (IM 1.5) - 3 singles

Rear Levering - 2 sets x 10

Fat Bar Wrist Curls - 3 sets x 15

Note: I done this workout after my "Gripper Workout"

Stay tuned and stay Strong!!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Zerchers & More, 1-20-09 Tuesday

Zerchers - 3 sets x 10, #100

Military Presses - 3 sets x 20
Note: Fat Bar only - no plates

Standing Barbell Curls - 3 sets x 10
Note: Fat Bar only - no plates

The presses and curls were very light to
increase blood flow to my arms to help
in recovery from tendonitis in my upper
left arm. Seemed to help.

Stay tuned and stay Strong!!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Workout & Gripper Routine

Gripper Routine - Day 2


3 attempts at closing w/ Super Master 1/16" mount - close to 1/4" RH, 3/8" LH

Negatives w/ 3-5 second hold on Grip Machine - 3 singles each hand, 170lbs.


Thick Bar Curls - 5 sets x 10, #80 & #90

Revolving Handle Curls - 4 sets x 6-8, #38

Revolving Handle Wrist Curls - 3 sets x 20, #55

Grip Machine - 4 sets x 15, #125, 2-handed

Titans Telegraph - 3 sets x 20, #10
Note: Trying to strengthen thumbs for setting grippers

Rolling Thunder - 3 singles #105, #110, #115

Finger Extensions in rice - 3 sets x 50

Note: Today I capped off the end of my Thick Bar and filled it
with lead shot. The bar went from 16.8 lbs. to 40 lbs. It's heavy
for a 5' long bar.

Stay tuned and stay Strong!!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

SledgeHammer Workout - Cardio

Swings - 5 sets x 20

1 set x 50

Weight started at 8 lbs. and ended up at 20 lbs.

Hammer Hands - 1 set x 20
Note: This is where you take 2 - 4 lb. hammers with
short handles and just the tire like a drum. This will
set your forearms on fire.

Step-ups on the tire - 2 sets x 30, 50

Gripper Day tomorrow, Sunday

Stay tuned and stay Strong!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Road To The CoC #3 - Gripper Routine

This is the first day of my new Gripper Workout Routine to
eventually shut the IrondMind Captain of Crush #3 Gripper.

I'm doing this routine twice a week right now for 1 month. Routine
will change as Paul instructs me to do so.

This is all from the help of an incredible Grip Athlete named
Paul Knight. He's keeping track of my progress and makes changes
as he sees fit.

Warm-Up - Zercher Squats - 2 sets x 10

Note: This got my CNS (central nervous system) firing and just
started to break a sweat.

Day 1 - "Set Day"

Set to parallel and hold 5 seconds Warren Tetting He-Man Gripper,
5 sets

Forced Closes - He-Man Gripper - 5 sets
Note: The routine calls for 10 closes but this became nearly impossible
due to fatique. I'll try to reach 10 next time. This gripper has smooth handles
which makes the sets even tougher. I like this!

Finished workout with choked #3 attempts at parallel, no wider.

5 attempts both right and left.

1st = RH, 1/8", LH, 1/4"
2nd = RH, 1/8", LH, 1/4"
3rd = RH, 1/4", LH, 1/2"
4th = same as 3rd
5th = same as 3rd

Topped off the workout with Finger Extensions with rubber bands
and extensions in bucket of rice.

Next Gripper Day = Sunday

A HUGE THANK YOU to my friend Paul Knight for his guidance and
help with one of my long time goals. THANKS Paul!!!

Stay tuned and stay Strong!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Cardio w/SledgeHammers

#8 Sledge - 20 swings x 3 sets

#20 Sledge - 20 swings x 3 sets

Note: After each set of swings I would put the sledge down
and do 20 step-ups on the tire. This would be 6 sets of step-ups.

Great Cardio workout!!!

Stay tuned and stay Strong!!!

Workout, 1-12-09 Monday

Standing Barbell Curls - 5 sets x 8-10

Revolving Handle DB Curls - 5 sets x 4-10

Note: I did super sets with the above 2 exercises.

Grippers - 4 singles w/ BB Master
2 attempts w/BB Super Master
3 attempts w/ RB 260N

Grip Machine - 3 sets x 10-15
3 sets of static holds

Rolling Thunder - 4 sets x 1 #105

Front Sledge Levering - 2 sets x 5

Pinch 2-25's - 2 sets x 1

Pinch 2-25's + 5 - Attempts = Failed

Finger Extensions - 2 sets x 50-25

Stay tuned and stay Strong!!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Shoulders, 1-11-09, Sunday

Military Presses front and back - 5 sets x 10

Horizontal Tricep Extensions - 5 sets x 15

Stay tuned and stay Strong!!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Great Grip Workout!!! 1-9-09, Friday

Standing Barbell Curls - 5 sets x 8

Seated Concentration Curls w/RT Handle from 90 degrees - 5 sets x 5-8

Grip Machine - 6 sets x 15-20, reps, negatives, and full ROM sets

Rolling Thunder - 5 sets x 1, #110

Pinching 2-25's - Full Hand, R&L, 2 Fingers, R&L

Pinched 29.2 lbs. with RP finger RH, failed LH

Pinched 29.2 lbs. Thumb & Index finger only, R&L

Front Levering w/Custom Made Sledge - 2 sets x 6, #8

Finger Extensions in rice - 2 sets x 50-30

Note: Felt really strong in my grip tonight. Resting from pulling to
allow tendons to heal completely. I've learned by doing this that when you
start pulling again, you come back a lot stronger.

Stay tuned and stay Strong!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Biceps & Grip

Standing Barbell Curls - 5 sets x 8-10

One Arm Rowing w/revolving handle - 5 sets x 8-10

Grip Machine - 5 sets x 10-15

Rolling Thunder - 4 singles, 110 lbs.

Front Levering - 1 set x 5, #8

Rear Levering - 2 sets x 8, w/Indian Clubs

Shoulder Rotations w/Indian Club - 2 sets x 10

Finger Extensions in rice - 50 reps each hand

Stay tuned and stay Strong!!!

Monday, January 5, 2009


Standing Military Press - 4 sets x 20, 20, 15, 15

Shoulder Rotations w/Indian Clubs by - 2 sets x 20

Lateral Tricep Extensions w/LifeLine Cables - 3 sets x 10

Finger Extensions in rice - 1 set x 60

Stay tuned and stay Strong!!!

Arms & Grip 1-04-09, Sunday

Standing Barbell Curls - 5 sets x 10-12

Revolving Handle One-Arm Rowing - 5 sets x 10

Grip Machine - 10 sets x 20, various grip positions

Front Levering - w/custom made SledgeHammer by
3 sets x 3

Rear Levering - Indian Clubs - 3 sets x 10

Finger Extensions in rice - 1 set x 75

Stay tuned and stay Strong!!!