Above and to the right is a 3.5" GripBall Dumbbell Handle made by Ryan Pitts @
StrongerGrip.com. Just add plates and do curls,etc.
Middle right is a picture of my MS Gripper and
an RP Trainer made by Micheal Strassburg from the Grip Board. The taller gripper on the left is similar to a Vulcan Gripper. It has smooth handles and one handle is filed for BTR (beyond the range)
training. The gripper on the right is for ring & pinky finger
training or index & middle finger training.
Below left is 2 Hand Grippers made by Warren Tetting.
Many refer to these grippers as BB grippers, meaning
Beef Builder grippers sold by Weightlifters Warehouse.
The gripper on the left is a narrow spread, NS (2-1/8") and the gripper
on the right is a regular spread, RS (2-3/4" +). Spread meaning
the distance between the inner part of the handles.
Below right is a Titans Telegraph made by IronMind.
You place your thumb on the top end opposite the weighted
end and squeeze up and down to develop your thumb strength.
You can also use individual fingers and thumb also.
I hope this clears up some confusion to those new to grip.
If you're interested in any other equipment I use but don't know
what it is, let me know and I'll post a pic and description of it. I
have many many more grip tools.
You can contact me @ gripfanatic@yahoo.com for any more questions,
suggestions, or comments.
Stay tuned and stay Strong!!!