Thursday, July 17, 2008

Grippers, Cards & Neck


set 1- Trainer, 10 reps each hand

set 2- CoC #2, single holds, R&L

set 3- BB Master, singles, R&L

set 4- CoC #2, singles, R&L

set 5- BB Master, singles, R&L

Note: I'm easing back into gripper work once again.

Right, upper forearm is nearly healed. I have to be cautious.

RP Trainer:

5 sets, singles R&P fingers

5 sets, singles, I&M fingers

IM Neck Harness:

set 1- Warm-up, 10 reps, 30 lbs.

set 2- 10 reps, 54 lbs.

set 3- 10 reps, 54 lbs.

Card Tearing:

40 cards in under 10 seconds

Note: I'm 12 cards away from a whole deck.

I can't wait!!! The pinch block curls are working.

Just for Fun:

Tried to DO bend 7" x 5/16" HRS.

Barely wobbled it. Pre-kink next time and see what


DO bend- 6" x 1/4" CRS w/IM pads only. Very easy!!!

Contrast Baths & T.E.N.S. Therapy

Notes: Felt really good tonight. Card tearing went great!!!

I'm going for 50 next session.

The picture is my 40 cards, Warren Tettings Retro-Gripper (The Beast)

by Dennis Rogers and Dennis Rogers himself as the Bantamweight

World Arm Wrestling Champion. (click on the image for large view)

Stay tuned and stay Strong!!!