Curls: 5' Olympic Bar
set 1- warm-up, bar only- 15 reps
set 2- 8 reps, 50 lbs.
set 3- 5 reps, 75 lbs.
set 4- 5 reps, 80 lbs.
set 5- 5 reps, 90 lbs.
Thin Pinching 1/2"
set 1- 25 lbs. 5 singles each hand
set 2- 30 lbs. 5 singles each hand
set 3- 33 lbs. 5 singles each hand
Key Pinch-Thumb & Index only:
set 1- 31.4 lbs. 3 singles each hand
set 2- 32.7 lbs. 2 singles each hand
set 3- 32.7 lbs. 2 singles each hand
Notes: Tried to tear 52 cards and failed.
Grip already fatiqued I'm guessing. Tried 45
cards and failed again. 35 cards was a success.
Stay tuned and stay Strong!!!